Hugo chavez biography official times

Hugo chavez last words

Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías was a Venezuelan politician and military officer who served as the 52nd president of Venezuela from until his death in , except for a brief period of forty-seven hours in Chávez was also leader of the Fifth Republic Movement political party from its foundation in See more.
hugo chavez biography official times

Hugo chávez net worth

CARACAS, Venezuela — Hugo Chávez, who died on Tuesday at 58, rose from poverty in a dirt-floor adobe house to unrivaled influence in Venezuela as its president, .

Hugo chavez cause of death

Hugo Chavez, who won another six-year term as Venezuela's president in October , is one of the most visible, vocal and controversial leaders in Latin America.

Hugo chavez death
July 28, Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías is born in the rural town of Sabaneta, in the state Barinas.