Melvil dewey biography librarian degree

Melvil dewey contribution to library science

Dewey became the librarian of Columbia College (now Columbia University) in New York City in and founded the world's first library school there in Melvil Dewey died after .

melvil dewey biography librarian degree

Where was melvil dewey born

Melvil Dewey was a revolutionary figure in the library and information science domain.

How did melvil dewey die

In May , "Dewey" became librarian-in-chief at Columbia College, an all-male institution, and, at the urging of his new employers, reverted to the original spelling of his name.
Interesting facts about melvil dewey
Melville Louis Kossuth (Melvil) Dewey (December 10, – December 26, ) was an American librarian and educator.